Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Just now a Noble Coffee barista described to me for the umpteenth time the coffees they're serving today. I realize this is part of her job, but as soon as she began enumerating flavor notes, my eyes unfocused and her words became a soup to my ears. I've been here often enough that I've technically heard detailed descriptions of each one of their coffees, but I can't remember anything about them. The only knowledge that has stuck is that their dark roasts nauseate me, whereas everything else is nice.

There has been an explosion of gourmandise in the past decade. It has been an extremely verbose reboot of food as an aesthetic object. You might think that someone who never shuts up about food on this blog and who has stopped bothering with the nondescriptive language of recipes would be pleased with this revolution in gastronomic discourse. More and more people talk about food. But what do they say?

Dylan Moran has this bit in his standup, on wine. (He is, too.) It's the model of what I just said about Noble's coffee: There are two kinds of wine, he says--the kind that make you go "mm, mm, that's ok, let's have eight of those," and the other kind: "jesus what is that?!" An uncle of mine calls the former kind "drinkable," and indeed, this is the highest compliment that one can give a wine. Moran's wine bit is exactly what this new logorrhea about food is not. The baristas at Noble are trained to go on about caramel, white peaches, charcoal, and fresh earth, but not to say anything about how the coffee hits you. These endless descriptions are pure cognition. Anything visceral gets lost. This is not taste for the sake of pleasure, but taste for taste's sake. Foodies are to food what birders are to birds. They discern, identify, catalog, and record.

I have two friends who in their adolescence dated. One is a food snob, and the other is an aspiring food snob. They're still friends, and when they see each other they argue. He repeatedly tries foods he doesn't like to get himself to like them. She finds this ridiculous; if he doesn't like something then he doesn't like it--that's his taste. He counters that some things are acquired tastes, there are foods you don't like as a child but like as an adult. Yes, she argues, but you don't go out of your way to force yourself to try those foods again. She implies that her tastes are entirely natural, but she cultivates them. For both of them taste is mimetic, but for him it has a unidirectional relation to the body. He wants to like things because he's heard that people with taste like them. His body is supposed to behave, not speak.

You'll encounter this muteness if you ever dine with a foodie. He'll reverse engineer the dish for you, dissect its flavors, tell you if it meets his standards. It's a kind of magic trick, but while those performances appeal to the part of us that doesn't think and longs to be confounded, this is the babble of one cogito to another.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eh, idk man. I realised how much of a depraved foodie I was only when I spent time with others like me. We talk about food, before and after eating. We share experiences of food with each other. We discover each others' dirty food secrets -- like how we sometimes try to stave off *swallowing* fantastic food just to taste it those few perfect seconds more. While eating great food, we often moan and find our toes curl. While eating overpriced, ordinary food we sneer in disdain and talk through the mush.

    To describe food like an art critic is bullshit, perhaps. But to say "FUCK YEAH BABY BRING DAT PALM SUGAR AWWW YEAHHHH" and "Is that fuckin thyme in the vodka!?" is for me an attempt to connect and share at a completely earthy yet ethereal plane.

    I still have the photograph of you drinking filter coffee that winter night when I took you to Saravana Bhavan. Didn't tell you how beautiful you looked, how lost you were in that moment. The futile yet mandatory attempt to recapture that moment, those moments, those motes.... that is the purpose of talking about food.

  3. Yeah, maybe I'm not talking about foodies in this post, but another species of food-obsessed. Their mind/body problem clearly doesn't apply to you and yours (although there is an aesthetic--bad food is overpriced, it seems). I think I'm a bit frightened by the lively eros of the lifestyle you describe. I speak of allowing the body to speak, but for me when it's not quiet it's queasy. Call me unsexy, but my moments of "FUCK YEAH BABY" are short, and I wonder if they were ever more than a memory. Deliberately savoring them leads only to the unpleasant sensation of reaching for the past. (To one manifesto another, it appears--look how defensive I've gotten. But maybe this is a good if obscure place to describe this blog.) Here I mostly record my experiments to find what I can live with, rather than what thrills me. (Of course, if one read the archives, expanses of exuberance could probably be found.)
